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Winter 2022 Capstone Strategic Analysis
In this project, teams of mature students (typically in their last term at SFU) will assess and analyze your company to provide strategic recommendations, based on your organization’s goals. These very competitive students will work the entire term on this project and deliver comprehensive analyses that are worth 40% of their grade in the Strategy Capstone course.
Strategic Marketing Consultancy
Student-consultant groups will develop a tailored strategy addressing challenges or opportunities related to commercializing products, developing new markets, market research, marketing communications, business model validation and more.
Fall 2021 Capstone Strategic Analysis
In this project, teams of mature students (typically in their last term at SFU) will assess and analyze your company to provide strategic recommendations, based on your organization’s goals. These very competitive students will work the entire term on this project and deliver comprehensive analyses that are worth 40% of their grade in the Strategy Capstone course.
Interaction Design Methods in Practice
IAT 333
Do you have a design challenge you want to tackle through interaction design? In this projects, student-consultants working in teams will apply research and design methods focused on understanding the people for whom we design, situations of use, participatory involvement and modes of conceptualization. In addressing your organization's challenge they will use methods such design ethnography, personas, scenarios, participatory workshops, user journeys, and prototyping.
Web Design and Development - Front-end Development
Students will design a website for a company. The following information will be included in the website: company updates/events about the company how to contact the company a multi-product or multi-service listing one product or service detailed view appropriate means for the user to provide feedback on a product or service The list above is not a list of 'pages' required . It provides an overview of the content required in this project. This content will be integrated as appropriate for the product or service that company offers. Having a user be able to provide feedback will look very different for a specific product as opposed to a service. Students will work on weekly deliverables, to to checked each week in class.
Interaction Design Methods in Practice
IAT 333
Do you have a design challenge you want to tackle through interaction design? In this projects, student-consultants working in teams will apply research and design methods focused on understanding the people for whom we design, situations of use, participatory involvement and modes of conceptualization. In addressing your organization's challenge they will use methods such design ethnography, personas, scenarios, participatory workshops, user journeys, and prototyping.
Web Design and Development - Front-end Development
Students will design a website for a company. The following information will be included in the website: company updates/events about the company how to contact the company a multi-product or multi-service listing one product or service detailed view appropriate means for the user to provide feedback on a product or service The list above is not a list of 'pages' required . It provides an overview of the content required in this project. This content will be integrated as appropriate for the product or service that company offers. Having a user be able to provide feedback will look very different for a specific product as opposed to a service. Students will work on weekly deliverables, to to checked each week in class. The project will end on November 5, 2020.
Mobile Computing - Android Application Development
Students will design and implement a mobile application (Android) for your organization. The proposed topic for the project should take advantage of the possibilities offered by a mobile device as a always present , always connected , programmable computing device , that presents the user with a rich set of interactions and media (audio, video), GPS, and a variety of built-in sensors. Requirements: The proposed app should include the following: At least four activities Implicit intents and explicit intents Storing data in both preferences and SQLite database for the app. The SQL database should be local to the app. Optional: sensor functionality (based on physical device availability) Either Camera or GPS functionality. Students will have experience working with Java. Students will submit deliverables based on three major milestones: initial proposal, intermediate review and final submission. There will also be weekly check-ins during each class.
Data Analytics
Students spend approximately 2-3 months analyzing historical data using a variety of analysis methods. The results can provide in-depth insights into the history of your business, its growth, and its future with forecasting exercises. Project requires access to historical data that is already organized (e.g. excel) and ready to use; the different variables are consistently observed over time for at least 60 consecutive time periods (e.g. 60 months or about 5 years; 60 weeks).
Product Interaction based Software Development
CMPT 433
Semester project to build an embedded Linux system on real hardware such as the BeagleBone Green. Students choose any topic (their own or from Riipen). Should include a significant amount of C/C++ code and some embedded systems hardware interaction.
Strategy Consulting
Students will spend the semester acting as consultants to help your organization address a challenge or opportunity your organization is facing.